Hi everyone! Welcome to the first Snippets post.

If you're reading this, it means this blog finally made it off the ground. Phew!

This series of posts will be less me yapping about what shiny thing I'm into right now, and more about the art and process. Snapshots of what's going on around my desk, development progress, that sort of stuff! I'm hoping to keep the writing here looser and not spend so long editing.

Some posts in this tag are locked to members only. You can access them by logging in here.

🌐 Why a blog?


I missed being the keeper of my own work, as well as choosing what format it's being presented in.

Practice communication

Always challenging to nail tone in writing as a non-native English speaker.

Balancing out the feeling of work being "disposable"

Storyboarding is not the most suitable department for closure. No production ever stops boarding on a film because the artists decide, "Hey, we're done because it's good enough now!" When aiming to develop the best possible story, we become good at discarding and replacing our work at the drop of a hat.

But as fruitful as this can be for filmmaking, I realized that doesn't necessarily mean it's the right approach for everything I make. And that it's very easy to lose sight of this, if professional work and social media are my only two outlets for presenting art.

Maintaining a site takes time. Writing more than 280 characters means I have to think about the point. It's all kind of a pain in the butt. But it keeps me slow, and intentional. All that sounds good right now.

Coding is fun!

Before getting hooked on art and comics in middle school, I'd spent years tinkering with websites.

With just a few lines of code, a bunch of things are possible, even for a kid. I'd like to keep that feeling alive.

🦉 Why "Peek-a-Tale"?

Besides the VERY COOL! wordplay, it also kinda sounds like a certain electric mouse. Drawing it in this one jumping pose was my cherished party trick as a kid.

And well, the title just sounds so silly, I hope it'll remind me to chill out and be myself here.

That's all for today! See you next time!